Protective Effect of Sowthistle (Sonchusoleraceus)on liver function and serum lipids in Rats intoxicated with Oxytetracycline By

Document Type : Original Article


1 1Assistant Professor of Nutrition and food Science , Afif College of Science and Humanities, Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia

2 Associate Professor of Nutrition and Food Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia.


Sowthistle is a common plant for its medicinal and nutritional benefits became widely used in several countries .This study aimed to investigate the effects of different concentrations (3% and 6%) of Sowthistle on blood lipids in rats. Twenty- four male albino rats were used for the experiment .Rats were fed on the basal diet for a week, after that they were divided into four groups (six rats each). Group 1: Negative control group, continued feeding on the basal diet only.Group2:Positive control group continued on the basal diet during the whole experimental period and injected intraperitoneal with (120) mg/kg of body weight of Oxytetracycline for the first three consecutive days. Group3:continued as group 2and given Sowthistle powder 3%on the basal diet. Group4: continued as group 3 but were given 6% Sowthistle powder . The study continued for eight weeks after the injection of Oxytetracycline. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected, to determine lipids profiles. The biological parameters were recorded. The study showed that diet fortified with 3% and 6% Sowthistle powder helped improving blood lipid levels in rats compared with the positive control groups (injected with oxytetracycline). Hence,Sowthistle powder helped to improve liver function and blood lipid levels in rats intoxicated with oxytetracycline.
