This study was conducted on rats to investigate the effectiveness of Fenugreek seeds, Fenugreek sprouts, Alfalfa seeds and Alfalfa sprouts as nutraceuticals for hepatointoxication induced by lead acetate.Thirty six healthy adult male albino rats"Sprague Dawley " strain weighing (200± 10 gm.), were used and divided into 6 equal groups, one was kept as a (-ve) control group , while the other groups received daily 0.4% lead acetate in distilled water to induce hepatotoxicity.Four groups were given the experimental seeds and their sprouts in the form of powder mixed with the basal diet (Fenugreek seeds5%, Fenugreek sprouts5%, Alfalfa seeds2% and Alfalfa sprouts2%) respectively for eight weeks. The sixth group of rats were kept as (+ve)control group received basal diet only. At the end of the experiment, feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG), feed efficiency ratio(FER) and relative weights of liver, kidneys, heart, spleen were calculated. Also, Liver enzymes (AST, ALT& ALP), serum total protein, albumin& globulin and MAO were also determined in serum, lead was determined in whole blood, antioxidant enzymes (SOD & α-GST) were determined in the liver tissue. The results indicated that rats that received lead acetate and fed on basal diet only recorded significant changes for all above biological and biochemical parameters. While the treatment with seeds and their sprouts revealed significant improvement in all liver function biochemical parameters and antioxidant enzymes. The study concluded that; seeds of Fenugreek and Alfalfa and their sprouts were effective in improving liver dysfunction and other side effects. This may be attributed to the high content of phenolic compounds in these seeds.
Bahnasy, R., Abd-Elhady, E., & Abd- Elfatah, M. (2020). The Protective Effect of Seeds and Sprouts of Fenugreek and Alfalfa on Rats Exposed to Lead Poisoning. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health, 15(1), 85-100. doi: 10.21608/ejnh.2020.117364
Rasha M. Bahnasy; Eman El-Sayed Abd-Elhady; Mai Hussein Abd- Elfatah. "The Protective Effect of Seeds and Sprouts of Fenugreek and Alfalfa on Rats Exposed to Lead Poisoning", Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health, 15, 1, 2020, 85-100. doi: 10.21608/ejnh.2020.117364
Bahnasy, R., Abd-Elhady, E., Abd- Elfatah, M. (2020). 'The Protective Effect of Seeds and Sprouts of Fenugreek and Alfalfa on Rats Exposed to Lead Poisoning', Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health, 15(1), pp. 85-100. doi: 10.21608/ejnh.2020.117364
Bahnasy, R., Abd-Elhady, E., Abd- Elfatah, M. The Protective Effect of Seeds and Sprouts of Fenugreek and Alfalfa on Rats Exposed to Lead Poisoning. Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2020; 15(1): 85-100. doi: 10.21608/ejnh.2020.117364